tc & Company   Multi-Communications

Message-On-Hold division



Concerning rates on various services of tc & Company’s Message-On-Hold service, please allow the following itemization of three and five minute message programs

(or longer), revisions and equipment to act as a guideline to your final costs.


Produced - Three minute program, Memory Stick, CD-ROM or Mp3, approximately  (3) to (5) message pods (paragraphs) of fifteen to twenty seconds in length apiece.



Produced - Three to Five minute program, Memory Stick, CD-ROM or Mp3, approximately (5) to (7) message pods of fifteen to twenty five seconds in length apiece.



Both length programs include: copy writing, music, professional voiceover announcer and digital production.  On-site installation (additional).


Revisions - Music revisions to existing programs (two, three minute or longer)

$75.00 to $125.00


Revisions - Copy text changes announced in place of existing text

$75.00 - 125.00 per pod depending on length and placement of new pod or pods.


Supplied Equipment - (1) Digital Message On Hold Units-Memory Stick (San Disk) $300.00


Supplied Equipment - Analog – Mp3 Memory Stick / players. $65.00



All initial programs come with back-up. Each additional new back-up CD, Memory Stick or San Disk is $25.00 each.

Auto Attendant voicing: $125.00 per hour or per greeting w/music. Female talent for M-O-H or AA - upon request.

Consigned Standard (3:00 min) M-O-H Scripts or Holiday Greetings & Music Inserts to existing Programs: $150.00


Thanks again for letting us present our Message-On-Hold services. Please browse our entire site for other multi-media services tc & Company provides.



Thank you,

Tom Clifford/Pres. tc & Co.




34 Remsen Lane, Floral Park, New York 11001

Tel. 516-488-8840       Web add:      email:

